• greenerpasturesf66@gmail.com |
  • 237 679420339/ 679420339
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Inclusive Education for All

We are committed to facilitate and identify the educational values of youths such as the disabled, indigenous and minority youths through the enhancement of potentials and the promotion of talents.

Empowering young women

Around one in five women worldwide has inferiority complex. Young women from minority and rural backgrounds often face high-level risk of domestic and sexual violence.

Economic Empowerment

This will be done by giving financial support, training and professional opportunities for the disabled, minority youths and rural women by also supporting specific initiatives to empower and strengthen their capacity.

Health sensitization

Supporting health programs for the disabled, teenage mothers and children through health campaign and lobbying.


Supporting agricultural project for the youths and rural women through the provision of practical training programs and financial supports to set up their own farms.

Prisoner welfare

Promoting entrepreneurial skills among inmates through the provision of arts and crafts training programs. Also the hygienic conditions and rights of inmates

Youth Leadership

Organising seminars and conferences to train and motivate youths to become great leaders and human rights activists in their various community.

Environmental justice.

Environmental justice affirms the sacredness of Mother Earth, ecological unity and the interdependence of all species, and the right to be free from ecological destruction.

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